@Ethan-RCIC 所以说我到时候直接选Brown的话应该不会出问题?也不用附加解释信为什么要改颜色?
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kiee 发布的最新帖子
RE: 申请Citizenship的时候Eye Color能选和申请pr时不一样的颜色吗?
申请Citizenship的时候Eye Color能选和申请pr时不一样的颜色吗?
RE: 枫叶卡过期登陆纸从美国入境
@sharonyue0914 The requirement of subsection 16(1) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA) states that a person who makes an application to enter Canada must produce all relevant evidence and documents that satisfies the border services officer (BSO) of their identity and nationality. Section A19 (2) of the IRPA states that "an officer shall allow a permanent resident to enter Canada if satisfied following an examination on their entry that they have that status".
A valid PR card is the only proof of permanent residence status in Canada. The following documents are indicators of permanent resident status in Canada:
·Original Record of Landing (IMM1000)
·A certified true copy of a Record of Landing issued by the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) National Headquarters
·A letter issued by IRCC National Headquarters verifying permanent residence
·A passport duly stamped, showing the date on which permanent resident status was granted if the person was granted permanent resident status before 1973
·A Confirmation of Permanent Residence document (IMM5292B)
Section A19 (2) of the IRPA states that "an officer shall allow a permanent resident to enter Canada if satisfied following an examination on their entry that they have that status". It is recommended, but not mandatory, to have your PR card in your possession to prove your permanent resident status in Canada at the border. You must be able to satisfy the BSO at the port of entry that you are a permanent resident of Canada. This may be accomplished with supporting documentation, including those documents mentioned above, database checks conducted by the officer, and responding truthfully to all questions asked to you by the BSO.If you’re outside Canada and don’t have a valid PR card, you need a permanent resident travel document (PRTD) to return to Canada. You can only apply for a PRTD from outside Canada.
RE: 网申的非快速通道的PNP
@Jeffh3wit 太正常了。本来online tool(CAS)就没有gckey account查询范围广和细。但凡能link上,申请都在gcms里面录入了。cas会因为各种原因查不到,甚至可能是自己不慎没有给cas权限. 但凡能link上就一点问题都没有
境内PNP收到PAL后到DM以及Portal Request还有多远的路?
PAL意味着资格审查没有问题,目前已经开始进行了背景审查。目前已经在加拿大2年没出境,最近一次背景审查是20年初续学签(2020.2.10递交申请,同日通过背景审查),之后便没有出过境。之后申请visa和PGWP IRCC都跳过了背景审查的步骤。不知道这次背景审查会进行多久。 -
RE: 省提名邮寄没标注是省提名有关系吗?
@Ethan-RCIC 在 省提名邮寄没标注是省提名有关系吗? 中说:
问题。 目前的FN发到去年11月左右就就没再有什么动静了
RE: NS经验类,小孩一直生活在安省
@abcee123456 在 NS经验类,小孩一直生活在安省 中说: