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在申請BC省PNP的時候它有一個打分制度, 官方文件裡說明了"Currently working full-time in B.C. for the employer in the occupation identified in the BC PNP registration "的情況下申請人可得10分,請問實際上是什麼意思?
它也有寫這段:You can receive these additional points only if you are currently employed full-time (30 hours per week or more) in the same occupation (i.e. same NOC code)that you have been offered in the BC PNP registration. You are not eligible for these additional points if the occupation identified in the job offer is a promotion from your
current occupation with the employer.是不是只要你現在的工作是full-time而且跟你提交時工作是一樣的就可以得10分? 謝謝回復!
@im 这个工作需要是担保你提名的bc雇主提供的。
謝謝! 請問這種雇主担保會難做嗎? 有什麼特別難達到的要求? 感覺BCPNP大部份的人都拿的到這10分啊。
@im 需要雇主填一个表格。在bc移民局官网可找到。
@小小米 好的謝謝。想詢問一下找你們辦理移民事務的價格,我跟同居伴侶都在BC省,想知道以醫療人員行業做BCPNP的可能性。