想问下,父母离婚再婚的配偶的孩子,孩子是对方和之前配偶的,因此和我没有血缘关系,需要放进这个表里吗?最初申请的时候没写,现在要求更新这个表,不知道是否需要写上,是不是算step brother啊?
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Additional Family info IMM5406的问题
两年前境外通过纸质递交了联邦自雇移民,材料寄到悉尼办公室,然后悉尼又寄到了香港审理。目前人在加拿大一个学签读书一个配偶工签工作,学签体检过入境,工签在境内体检过。系统里地址也改到了加拿大境内。差不多同时递交的人都收到了pre arrive letter和体检信。我们的申请没有动静,想知道这种情况流程会发生改变吗?我们还会收到pre arrive letter和体检通知吗?
情况是 我已经申请到学签,配偶有旅游签,想开学前一起入境,目前留学生配偶是否还需要申请豁免信?
Some of your immediate family members may be able to come with you to Canada. You must be in one of the following relationships:
you’re the spouse or common-law partner of the studentyou’re the dependent child of the student, or of the student’s spouse or common-law partneryou’re the parent or step-parent of the student, or of the student's spouse or common-law partneryou’re the guardian or tutor of the studentIf one of these family members travels with you
They don’t need a written authorization from IRCC to travel with you. However, they must show that their reasons for travel are non-discretionary (non-optional). For example, they’ll help you get established and support you in Canada.求解答 谢谢!