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Mark_D 发布的帖子
EE 过慢有办法解决嘛
4月一号AOR,我12月11号submit 了request Schedule A,现在application状态是:
Review of eligibilityHelp - Review of eligibility
We are reviewing whether you meet the eligibility requirements.Review of medical resultsHelp - Review of medical results
December 16, 2020 You passed the medical exam.Review of additional documentsHelp - Review of additional documents
December 18, 2020 We are reviewing the additional documents you provided.InterviewHelp - Interview
You do not need an interview. We will send you a message if this changes.BiometricsHelp - Biometrics
October 21, 2020 Completed.Background checkHelp - Background check
We are processing your background check. We will send you a message if we need more information.Final decisionHelp - Final decision
Your application is in progress. We will send you a message once the final decision has been made. -
EE 所有item 都pass了,但是还是收到补交Schedule A的要求
如题,我打电话去问的,除了final decision 都pass了,但下午就收到这个schedule A 的request,这个是为什么呢