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part time diploma在EE申请中附加分的问题
突然了解到2022年7月EE加拿大学历算分对March 1, 2020至August 31, 2022这个区间内的学习出了新的规定,我的理解是有部分学习区间在这个范围内的话,之前不可以加15分的part time diploma现在也可以加分,麻烦请问老师这个理解对吗?先谢谢了!
谢谢老师回复!但是抱歉我没有完全懂,您的意思还是只有full time学习才能有15分的额外加分?
(a) studied or trained at a Canadian educational institution that is located in Canada;
(b) completed at least eight months of that study or training on a full-time basis; and
(c) was physically present in Canada for at least eight months of that study or training. -
@Ethan-RCIC 谢谢老师!抱歉,还想麻烦问下您,这个后面一段针对疫情期间的不适用b和c的话怎么理解呢?
(3.1) Paragraphs (3)(b) and (c) do not apply to foreign nationals in respect of credentials obtained in a study or training program that was undertaken, in whole or in part, during the period beginning on March 1, 2020 and ending on August 31, 2022.
@newworld 总的要求不变,政策影响的部分单独考虑,太卡时间的还需要看ee系统计算时候是不是能算的进去。
@Ethan-RCIC 谢谢Ethan老师!